Showing posts with label teas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teas. Show all posts

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

The best teas for people who have high cholesterol

Maybe during the holidays more often question ourselves fats we eat and grow our cholesterol, but this is a matter that must always be careful. It is not enough to have some few tables loaded in a short period because cholesterol levels to rise, but often culinary excesses certainly go in that direction. Because cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the world, we encourage you to take care of your body and to fight high cholesterol by all means! Today, we will present some tea for high cholesterol, which are among the most effective weapons against this problem so common.

 Teas for cholesterol


Green Tea


 There are almost no top healthy teas that is not included and green, you can consider a true natural medicine. It is full of antioxidants that protect against free radicals and therefore all sorts of diseases, including cancer. The good news is that it helps reduce bad cholesterol including, if you drink two cups a day, but do not expect to take effect immediately. It takes a long time to regulate cholesterol levels, regardless of the treatment that you apply. In addition, if you drink green tea and continue to eat unhealthy foods, you can not claim to have healed. So, be disciplined, drink two cups of green tea each day and avoid all foods that affects your cardiovascular system.

Puerh tea


 It is not the first time we prove that the Chinese are far ahead of us in terms of natural treatments. While many of us have never heard of this tea, Asians consume it over 2000 years for therapeutic purposes. Only recently, scientists have turned their attention to this tea and have found that lower cholesterol and blood pressure. In a study conducted in Taiwan, comparing several types of tea (green, oolong, black, etc.), Puerh was the only one who managed to lower bad cholesterol and at the same time, we grow the best . To take full advantage of the benefits of this plant, the leaves are placed in boiling water, but do not let more than five minutes. Drink one or two cups a day and in a few months, the results will begin to appear.

Ginger tea


 The main effect of ginger is to reduce inflammation in the body, which is why scientists believe that it can reduce cholesterol. Ginger activates the enzyme that increases the use of fat by the body, which directly results in a lowering cholesterol. Because it is hot, you might think that this plant would make you sick to your stomach. Nothing wrong! On the contrary, ginger help including gastric problems, as long as you use the recommended quantities. To make a tea from the root delicious, give a small piece of ginger grated, then boil it for 20 minutes. Doctors advised not to drink more than two teaspoons grated or powdered ginger per day, and in pregnant women, the amount is reduced to a quarter.


Black tea


 If you want to replace coffee with a healthy drink, we offer tea, which has a considerable amount of caffeine, but also plenty of antioxidants. In addition, it seems that he is very good in fighting cholesterol. In a study in which a group of participants received placebo and the other group received black tea, which they regularly consumed for three weeks, the results were favorable in this respect. After drinking five servings of black tea per day, study participants had a decrease bad cholesterol by 11%. It is recommended to drink about two cups of black tea a day, preferably before noon because of the high content of caffeine.

Artichoke Tea


 One of the best teas cholesterol is artichoke. This, as Puerh tea has a double beneficial role: it lowers bad cholesterol and increases the good cholesterol. At the same time, stimulates metabolism and regulates blood sugar levels, making it perfect for those suffering from liver disease, and for those who have diabetes. Compounds of this tea slows the enzyme responsible for producing cholesterol, known as "HMG-CoA reductase".

These teas are most effective in reducing cholesterol, which you should try at least some. If, however, follow different medical treatments, it is always advisable to talk to your doctor before following a natural treatment, even if it is just about tea. Because food is your main friend but can also be your enemy if you do not eat the main thing, and read about cholesterol diet!

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Find out all about their treatment of colds and respiratory


Respiratory virus diseases are respiratory tract infections caused by viruses. They occur mainly in cold seasons, autumn and winter because cold damp atmosphere is an environment of these microorganisms. Contagious these infections is accentuated by the fact that school starts autumn and healthy children get easier in contact with infected persons (or other children, teachers and parents of classmates).

Respiratory virus diseases or "common cold"

If it hurts throat, runny nose or sneeze you, your eyes weep, you have a low grade fever (37.5 to 38 degrees C), cough, feeling tired, you have a headache and loss of appetite introduce, is likely to have made a virosis. In general respiratory colds are transmitted by air, the infected person through microscopic droplets that they spread into the environment when coughing or sneezing. Another way of transmission may be in contact with surfaces that have landed these drops.Not everyone is susceptible to infection

No need to worry, the infection may be asymptomatic in people who have a competent immune system. But if going through a stressful period, you're tired, you have a poor diet, you are a smoker, work in crowded places or suffer from a consumptive disease (eg, diabetes) it is good to take preventive measures to avoid any disease. Try as much as possible not to get in contact with sick people and wash your hands as soon as you get home, before eating or after any contact with a person cold.


Mild symptoms do not require treatment

Common cold is a self-limiting respiratory infection. This goes away by itself within a few days, even without treatment. In this case, you may rest for a few days, along with adequate hydration as fever and loss of appetite cause dehydration.

If, however, the symptoms are unbearable, drug therapy may contain antipyretics (for reduction of fever), anti-inflammatory for combating inflammation, nasal decongestants and cough.Antibiotics in the treatment of respiratory virus diseases

Romania was grounded in the idea that colds get better with antibiotics. Unfortunately, this idea is very far from the truth, as the common cold is caused by viruses, while antibiotics bacteria ascupra effect.

In fact, by taking antibiotics when they are not needed, the only result you can get is the selection of bacteria resistant to that antibiotic. This will translate later by a bacterial infection with a resistant germ that can not be treated with common antibiotics, requiring stronger substances and potentially hospital treatment.

When you go to the doctor

You have to ask for professional help when virosis not go away within a few days, when symptoms worsen when you notice that the tonsils purulent deposits form when you choke, you are confused or have chest pain.


Did you know that ...

. 40% of respondents Romans took antibiotics to treat a cold?. According to Eurobarometer 2010 on antimicrobial consumption,
that made sense, in a proportion of 21% of antibiotics without prescription, the European average is around 5%?. Only 4% of respondents Romans knew how to respond to all 4 intrabar about antibiotics?• Antibiotics kill viruses. (True / false)• Antibiotics are effective against colds and flu. (True / false)• Inappropriate use of antibiotics lowers their efficiency. (True / false)• The use of antibiotics often cause side effects such as diarrhea. (True / false).

You knew how to give correct answers to these four questions?