Friday, 27 February 2015

Influences a person’s past present and future?


The past is not called that for nothing, not out of place today. It’s not his purpose to fill you regret every time you look in the face, but to teach lessons to apply them in the future. Let me show you where you went wrong and why. Let us help you not to repeat the same mistakes or not to take the same decision. You see, the past is like a wise old man, where you can always return to a sfat- you will find always in the same place with the same charge in and enriched with the same experiences. It’s still possible to try to invade you this, to insist to return by certain persons or events. Then relive. When you’re stirs and awakens feelings or emotions that you wanted at a particular time to bury them. Then choose whether or not worthwhile to go back.

The past knocks at my door. Returning home became, in a very strange way, a return to the past. And I would prefer to run, but since watching me means that I left OPEN. I’ll go. My opinion about the past is completed. I chose not to go back, no matter how much I would ask anyone from the past to do ... the reason they got there. The past is a good counselor, but if you leave in his hands, could easily come to swallow you whole.

Find out all about their treatment of colds and respiratory

Respiratory virus diseases are respiratory tract infections caused by viruses. They occur mainly in cold seasons, autumn and winter because cold damp atmosphere is an environment of these microorganisms. Contagious these infections is accentuated by the fact that school starts autumn and healthy children get easier in contact with infected persons (or other children, teachers and parents of classmates).
Respiratory virus diseases or "common cold"If it hurts throat, runny nose or sneeze you, your eyes weep, you have a low grade fever (37.5 to 38 degrees C), cough, feeling tired, you have a headache and loss of appetite introduce, is likely to have made a virosis. In general respiratory colds are transmitted by air, the infected person through microscopic droplets that they spread into the environment when coughing or sneezing. Another way of transmission may be in contact with surfaces that have landed these drops.
Not everyone is susceptible to infectionNo need to worry, the infection may be asymptomatic in people who have a competent immune system. But if going through a stressful period, you're tired, you have a poor diet, you are a smoker, work in crowded places or suffer from a consumptive disease (eg, diabetes) it is good to take preventive measures to avoid any disease. Try as much as possible not to get in contact with sick people and wash your hands as soon as you get home, before eating or after any contact with a person cold.

Mild symptoms do not require treatment
Common cold is a self-limiting respiratory infection. This goes away by itself within a few days, even without treatment. In this case, you may rest for a few days, along with adequate hydration as fever and loss of appetite cause dehydration.
If, however, the symptoms are unbearable, drug therapy may contain antipyretics (for reduction of fever), anti-inflammatory for combating inflammation, nasal decongestants and cough.Antibiotics in the treatment of respiratory virus diseases
Romania was grounded in the idea that colds get better with antibiotics. Unfortunately, this idea is very far from the truth, as the common cold is caused by viruses, while antibiotics bacteria ascupra effect.
In fact, by taking antibiotics when they are not needed, the only result you can get is the selection of bacteria resistant to that antibiotic. This will translate later by a bacterial infection with a resistant germ that can not be treated with common antibiotics, requiring stronger substances and potentially hospital treatment.
When you go to the doctorYou have to ask for professional help when virosis not go away within a few days, when symptoms worsen when you notice that the tonsils purulent deposits form when you choke, you are confused or have chest pain.
Did you know that ?
- 40% of respondents Romans took antibiotics to treat a cold?- According to Eurobarometer 2010 on antimicrobial consumption, Romania was the only country that made sense, in a proportion of 21% of antibiotics without prescription, the European average is around 5%?- Only 4% of respondents Romans were able to answer all the 4 intrabar about antibiotics?• Antibiotics kill viruses. (True / false)• Antibiotics are effective against colds and flu. (True / false)• Inappropriate use of antibiotics lowers their efficiency. (True / false)• The use of antibiotics often cause side effects such as diarrhea. (True / false)
You knew how to give correct answers to these four questions?

Treatment for stress 6 soothing herbs


Stress daily part of your life and it is almost impossible to eliminate it completely, but you can call various effective remedies in times when you do not actually feel the situation. It is normal to feel overwhelmed by problems, but it is not good to live in a permanent state of anxiety caused by problems in the family, at work, financial difficulties and worries about health.
If you are looking for a cure for stress, you should know that you have on hand more effective ways to fight: soothing teas, outdoor sports, relaxation massage, meditation, yoga. Also, to minimize the effects of stress is necessary to organize all activities. Keep a list of things that have priority and try to fix these first, then deal with other tasks. We'll help you a lot and a journal where you can freely express negative emotions. For now, start treatment based on natural remedies for stress. Here's what plants to help you calm down and how you can take advantage of their properties!
1. St. John's wort - the best cure for stress

About stressed woman


This tea is a very effective remedy for stress because it brings more benefits at the same time: soothing effect on the psyche, treats anxiety, reduce stress and combat insomnia. Additionally, this herb is very helpful for very demanding periods, which is manifested by fits of hysteria, restless sleep, even sleepwalking. Drink two cups a day, sweetened with honey and flavored with lemon slices, for a full pampering.
2. Spleen - bring balance into your life

In folklore, goldenrod has many names, being known as flower-nobleman, rod-of-gold, flower-Buiac or smeoaica. Now there is just as appreciated in the past, because people do not know them medicinal properties, often leaving only a flower in the forest or on a hill. This herb helps to cope with shocks soul, so it is advisable to follow a treatment with infusions in times when going through deception and distressing moods, that will bring balance. To prepare the infusion of goldenrod you need a teaspoon of herb per cup of boiling water. Let the container aside 10-15 minutes, then pour tea into cup and try to drink it with small sips.
3. Chamomile - a versatile cure

There are no health issues for which chamomile can not be used as adjuvant reliable. A cup of fragrant tea made from chamomile flowers is everything you need in one evening after a hard day at work. The infusion will give you something special, because it will soothe mind, body and spirit. Also, you can add oil chamomile tea or water bath. You will have a peaceful sleep and in the morning you wake up more optimistic, full of life and with new ideas.

tea for stress
4. Hawthorn - basic remedy in demanding periods

This plant has sedative action, treats insomnia and lowers blood pressure. An infusion of hawthorn sweetened with honey or simple, in which you put a few leaves of fresh mint is ideal for when you feel anxious, have high blood pressure and palpitations due vasodilator effect. It also is a good treatment for stress and hawthorn tincture.
5. Lime - most popular remedy for stress

Among the best known include soothing herbs and lime. Infusion of this plant is considered a magic potion and fragrance, perfect for a peaceful sleep, because it turned out to be an ally in the treatment of insomnia. Also linden tea can be successfully used in fighting stress unforgiving. Drink two cups of tea a day to relieve the anxiety of heart and nervous complaints that make you argue with others.
6. Lavender improves your mood

Flavor and delicate lavender has a slightly sedative, so you relax and combat headaches in a short time. Thanks to its healing properties, is used in many disorders and more. You can benefit from its therapeutic virtues yourself to a relaxing tea, by bathing in a tub in which you put lavender essential oil fragrances or using a lamp that will transform your room into a highly enjoyable.How to create a relaxing ritual even at home.
Most often emotional and nervous tension rebounds on internal organs causing time certain conditions, especially if you are dealing with often stressful moments. Therefore, you need pampering moments to keep a balance in your life. And for this there is no need to go to the most expensive and luxurious spas, but you can enjoy even at home treatment for stress effectively.
And the simplest gestures can calm us, if we find a good way to approach. For example, serving tea ceremony can be a very relaxing ritual. Use teapot, tea cup or your favorite light a scented candle to help create a relaxing atmosphere and enjoy a moment of peace, away from everything you're stressing.
For your peace is important that there is even a place where you feel good, in which you find yourself, where to get steady dose you need. So, make your home an oasis of peace and relaxation, a place where you can upload with positive energy. Quiet family dinners, aromatic baths with soothing essential oils, playing a sport that urge to meditation (yoga, pilates, tai chi, etc.), involvement in creative activities (drawing, painting, sculpture, etc.) can help you regain peace of mind.
If none of these activities fail to remove stress, consult a professional to advise you and to recommend you a treatment for stress stronger.
How do you manage to calm down? What seems the best cure stress?