Tuesday, 10 March 2015

The best teas for people who have high cholesterol

Maybe during the holidays more often question ourselves fats we eat and grow our cholesterol, but this is a matter that must always be careful. It is not enough to have some few tables loaded in a short period because cholesterol levels to rise, but often culinary excesses certainly go in that direction. Because cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the world, we encourage you to take care of your body and to fight high cholesterol by all means! Today, we will present some tea for high cholesterol, which are among the most effective weapons against this problem so common.

 Teas for cholesterol


Green Tea


 There are almost no top healthy teas that is not included and green, you can consider a true natural medicine. It is full of antioxidants that protect against free radicals and therefore all sorts of diseases, including cancer. The good news is that it helps reduce bad cholesterol including, if you drink two cups a day, but do not expect to take effect immediately. It takes a long time to regulate cholesterol levels, regardless of the treatment that you apply. In addition, if you drink green tea and continue to eat unhealthy foods, you can not claim to have healed. So, be disciplined, drink two cups of green tea each day and avoid all foods that affects your cardiovascular system.

Puerh tea


 It is not the first time we prove that the Chinese are far ahead of us in terms of natural treatments. While many of us have never heard of this tea, Asians consume it over 2000 years for therapeutic purposes. Only recently, scientists have turned their attention to this tea and have found that lower cholesterol and blood pressure. In a study conducted in Taiwan, comparing several types of tea (green, oolong, black, etc.), Puerh was the only one who managed to lower bad cholesterol and at the same time, we grow the best . To take full advantage of the benefits of this plant, the leaves are placed in boiling water, but do not let more than five minutes. Drink one or two cups a day and in a few months, the results will begin to appear.

Ginger tea


 The main effect of ginger is to reduce inflammation in the body, which is why scientists believe that it can reduce cholesterol. Ginger activates the enzyme that increases the use of fat by the body, which directly results in a lowering cholesterol. Because it is hot, you might think that this plant would make you sick to your stomach. Nothing wrong! On the contrary, ginger help including gastric problems, as long as you use the recommended quantities. To make a tea from the root delicious, give a small piece of ginger grated, then boil it for 20 minutes. Doctors advised not to drink more than two teaspoons grated or powdered ginger per day, and in pregnant women, the amount is reduced to a quarter.


Black tea


 If you want to replace coffee with a healthy drink, we offer tea, which has a considerable amount of caffeine, but also plenty of antioxidants. In addition, it seems that he is very good in fighting cholesterol. In a study in which a group of participants received placebo and the other group received black tea, which they regularly consumed for three weeks, the results were favorable in this respect. After drinking five servings of black tea per day, study participants had a decrease bad cholesterol by 11%. It is recommended to drink about two cups of black tea a day, preferably before noon because of the high content of caffeine.

Artichoke Tea


 One of the best teas cholesterol is artichoke. This, as Puerh tea has a double beneficial role: it lowers bad cholesterol and increases the good cholesterol. At the same time, stimulates metabolism and regulates blood sugar levels, making it perfect for those suffering from liver disease, and for those who have diabetes. Compounds of this tea slows the enzyme responsible for producing cholesterol, known as "HMG-CoA reductase".

These teas are most effective in reducing cholesterol, which you should try at least some. If, however, follow different medical treatments, it is always advisable to talk to your doctor before following a natural treatment, even if it is just about tea. Because food is your main friend but can also be your enemy if you do not eat the main thing, and read about cholesterol diet!

Five diseases that you can treat with tea Yarrow

Yarrow plant is not only used by your grandmothers; You'd be surprised how many benefits has your life everyday. Being used to treat multiple diseases and conditions and with further benefits for the body, it is impossible not to find at least a purpose for which you use and yarrow tea. So here are the conditions that can be treated with yarrow tea and what properties it has.

Properties Yarrow tea



- Can stop many types of bleeding (nose, urinary, vaginal etc.);- Reduce unpleasant states in the period before menopause and regulate menstrual flow;- Can help prevent cervical cancer;- Help treat respiratory infections, the gastric and hepatobiliary;- Remove headaches and treat rheumatic pains, colds and bronchitis;- Regulates hormonal disorders;- Restore appetite, nausea and restlessness combat.

Now that was sparked your interest, here's how it works to treat plant diseases which recommended yarrow tea.

1. healed wounds

This is probably the oldest and most famous use of yarrow tea. In fact, this plant became famous in herbal medicine from ancient times and is one of the oldest plants indicated for the treatment of various human diseases. In the old days, it was used only to stop nose bleeds, but over time, it was discovered that can treat various wounds to stop bleeding and relieve pain as being a powerful antibacterial.

2. Treat fever and colds

This is the second largest tea utilization of milfoil, which consists, in fact, in its ability to make you sweat. When fever is growing, milfoil hot tea (1-2 cups) a subsides, circulation and relaxes the skin pores, making you trasnpiri and thus eliminate germs in the body. When you feel that you knock fever and cold, fast drink 2 cups of tea, hot as you can, then put on a hot water bottle to his feet and waiting to sweat.

3. Improves circulation

Yarrow tea is "attracted" by anything related to blood and its circulation, both inside and outside. In terms of blood vessels, this tea gives them a wide range of applications, from the color blood vessels, the blood put in motion, is used to treat hypertension (in combination with lime flowers and lime). Furthermore, if you drink constantly yarrow tea, you'll be away from clots blood.

4. Helps digestion

Yarrow tea stimulates digestion and bile and pancreatic juices put to work, because its bitter flavor, slightly spicy. Due to its ability to tone and heal mucous membranes of the digestive tract, milfoil is a good treatment for colitis and diverticulitis. Moreover, this tea is a traditional remedy for dysentery and diarrhea.

5. urinary and reproductive systems is beneficial

Many doctors say that women could do without many problems and infections if they drink tea milfoil from time to time. Maybe this is why the plant is also called a female plant. The reason it is so commendable is that has the ability to stop excessive bleeding, and bleeding stimulate limited. In addition, tea reduce menstrual pain, get rid of vaginal infections or irregular bleeding between cycles.

When drinking cold tea is a very good urinary antiseptic and its diuretic properties are enabled to become a good remedy for cystitis. Even more, cold tea Yarrow also helps those experiencing urinary incontinence. Did you find at least one condition that Yarrow tea treats and some other additional benefits. Now you no longer have to do but to go and put water to boil, to relax with a cup of hot tea.

The best natural juice recipes for cough

You cold and cough? Forget the drugs! Pills, even the OTC category contain a lot of chemicals and can have unwanted side effects. The best thing would be to you pay attention to remedies that we provide mother nature. Not only are effective, but they also taste delicious and a lot of benefits for the body, besides the positive effect in terms of cure cough.So here are two recipes for cough juices that have to try it!

Recipes natural juice that you get rid of nagging cough


1. Green Smoothie cough

For this smoothie, you need the following ingredients:- Two apples;- 8 stalks of celery (APIO);- A lemon peel;- A tangerine bark.

 Method of preparation is as follows:

Clean peel apples, cut them into cubes, lemon slice leaving a crust, cut celery stalks into pieces and mandarin orange slices Relax. Put everything in a blender and you get a smoothie that will get rid of cough in record time! If you want to know the benefits of this juice ingredients, then we will say that APIO will help you get rid of nausea that often occurs when the throat is irritated cough and apples and citrus fruits are unquestionably enemies cold, being rich in vitamin C.

2. Fruit Punch cough

If you want to prepare this delicious and aromatic punch, you need:- Two apples;- 4 kiwi;- A quarter lemon peel her race;- A quarter of her race lime peel;- 2 oranges bark;- A pineapple.

 Method of preparation is as follows:

Put the fruit in a juicer and add zest into the mix obtained lemon and lime. The juice is rich in vitamin C, so you get rid of cough and colds in no time. Natural juice recipes are easy to prepare cough and taste and aroma make you forget that you consume in the form of medicine, so you will really enjoy. Now find here are teas for coughs that you can prepare!

Tea remedies for cough expectorant and other

When winter is in full swing and cold season is the condition faced by a lot of people. Cough is one of the typical symptoms, and when drugs are not an option in your view, you must find other ways to solve the problem. Therefore, we'll tell you the teas, and celelelalte remedies that you can come to the rescue. Here's what you need to know about tea expectorant and cough syrups about productive!



How to Loose productive cough


 Besides classic lime or thyme tea, you can go on your list of plants expectorant role and slippery elm (Ulmus rubra). Prepare an infusion of two teaspoons of elm bark in 250 ml of boiling water. Leave it covered while for 10-15 minutes, then take a teaspoon of potion obtained every half hour.And ginger tea will get rid of cough productive! All you have to do is to give a glimpse grated ginger rhizome and prepare an infusion of this raw material by adding 250 ml of boiling water. Leave mix covered for 10 minutes, then strain the tea, add a tablespoon of honey and a few drops of lemon and enjoy it.

You can drink up to two cups of ginger tea daily expectorant. Beware, though! If you manage to relieve inflammatory cold symptoms, you should avoid drinking ginger tea as there may be adverse effects such as bleeding. A remedy for coughs found handy is honey with cinnamon. All you have to do is to mix a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon with a tablespoon of honey. This delicious mix should be consumed two or three times a day, and its action is based on the fact that the two ingredients and bacteriostatic antibiotic properties.

Last but not least, productive cough can be controlled with a black radish. This is not a salad, but a syrup that you can get by cutting the top of radishes, where usually grow leaves. In the hole got have to put two tablespoons of brown sugar and then baked the root for two to three hours, until the sugar turns into a syrup which contains the active principles of radishes. Eat a teaspoon of it whenever you feel the need. For the treatment to have the desired result, it should be observed for at least three days.

Another variant of this treatment is to replace brown sugar with honey. This time, radishes not bake in the oven, but is placed near a source of heat for two to three hours, until you obtain the desired juice. Now that you have discovered tea types of homemade remedies for cough expectorant and productive, we suggest you try to prepare a syrup for cough, whose recipe you can find here.

Tea and other natural treatments for liver

The liver is an essential organ for our body, since it fulfills many functions that other organs can not perform. Although it has regenerative capacity, does not mean that an inappropriate lifestyle does not affect function. To have good health, greatly appeals to teas and other herbal treatments for liver.

Tea for liver


 An infusion of the plant consumed every morning can offer more benefits than you think. Here are the best teas for the liver!

Green Tea


 There is no surprise that this tea is found on the list of the best natural treatments for liver. He promotes liver detoxification and contains substances that improve its functions. Otherwise, your general health condition will improve considerably and the body's energy level will increase.

ceai verde 

Tea celandine


This plant has proved useful over time in the treatment of liver diseases and more. In addition, it is used in the composition of herbal drugs with hepatoprotective role. Since you will not delight bitter taste of tea, think of the benefits that you will enjoy later. He can add honey and a few slices of lemon or you can combine with other ceauri best taste for a more enjoyable experience.


Artichoke Tea


 And artichoke tea is grateful that protects the liver from the destructive processes, but also bad taste. The effects of treatment were amazed specialists, recommended and more serious problems (liver failure, hepatitis, cirrhosis, gallstones). Eat it before main meals of the day for best results. Treatment lasts 20-30 days.

corpul uman 

This tea


St. John's Wort has calming properties for inflammatory conditions of the liver. It also accelerates restoration of liver cells and helps detoxify the body. This tea is successfully used as an adjunct in the treatment of hepatitis. For a healthy liver, drink two to three cups of this tea for 6 weeks, then take a break for 14 days.

Other natural treatments for liver


 Call to natural treatments for liver, regardless of medical conditions. Use them as adjuvant treatments that follow, for the results to be fast and durable.


Turmeric keeps your liver healthy and beyond. No wonder Asian people use it so often in their culinary preparations. It helps regenerate liver tissue and contributes to the proper functioning of the gallbladder, favoring detoxification. Benefits of miraculous properties, using it often in the kitchen.



 Flaxseed favors regulating hormonal disorders, improve liver function and blood system. Eat daily two tablespoons of ground flaxseed. Sprinkle them on salads, in sandwiches or yogurt.

Spinach and carrot juice


 Vegetable juices are recognized for the benefits they bring body, so it is advisable to make as many combinations of this type. One of the best natural treatments for liver spinach and carrot juice is being recommended even for those who suffer from cirrhosis. Mix half a cup of spinach juice with half a glass of carrot juice and consume it every day with small sip. The health of the body depends on the entire body, so it is better to consume preventive teas and other herbal treatments for liver, to improve function and help restore liver cells.

Remedies for Constipation in children and adults

Constipation is a problem faced by almost everyone throughout life, making victims both among adults and among children. Sedentary lifestyle, diet disorganized, slow digestion and stress are some of the causes that can lead to discomfort. Besides unable to make chairs, you can deal with headaches, fatigue and depression. All these signs indicate that your body needs some natural remedies for constipation. In principle, a person who has trouble digesting should make a chair in 1-2 days. Otherwise, laxatives should not look at it as a long term solution because it can lead to irritation during colon.

Oil treatment fruitful and chronic constipation


Olive oil is not just an ingredient that gives your taste culinary preparations enriched recipes or beauty, but also one of the best natural remedies for constipation. It stimulates digestion, promotes intestinal waste removal and prevents constipation long term.

You need: a tablespoon of olive oil, a teaspoon of lemon juice (optional).

No need to add lemon juice, especially if you do not mind swallowing olive oil as such. But if gives you a bad feeling, you should add lemon juice, especially for children. All you have to do is to consume olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach. You can take and later, but must to be before meals.

Detoxification of water with lemon


Lemon is known for its detoxifying effect on the body, so should not omit in case you have problems with constipation. This natural remedy will help to remove debris left even a longer stuck to the colon.You need: a lemon, a glass of warm water.

Squeeze a lemon in a glass of water, mix well content, then drink it.

Eat foods rich in fiber

 A high fiber diet promotes good digestion and beyond, so do not enter should avoid in your diet the following products: beans, whole grains, broccoli, peaches, berries, plums, pears, apples, nuts. They have a laxative effect guaranteed.


Flaxseed, the best natural remedies for constipation


Flax seeds are some of the most simple and effective remedies against constipation. They are rich in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, are extremely healthy for the body. To be more easily assimilated, it is recommended to put them in water evening. If you have a child and did not seem too excited about this natural method indicated in constipation, mix one tablespoon of flax seed oil with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice. The results will be noticeable within a few hours.

Aloe vera gel - cure-all

 Aloe vera gel is one of the most versatile herbal remedy is good in case of constipation. If you do not have this plant in your house, you can acquire natural gel from a store. Take two tablespoons of pure aloe vera gel, and if you bought commercially, read label directions. Mix aloe vera gel pure fruit juice, because it will be easier to swallow.

aloe vera  

Dandelion tea improves digestion

Not the most beloved plant when you have to remove the flower or vegetable garden, but it is extremely effective in many disorders, constipation is one of them. It has detoxifying action, laxative and soothing. Put one or two teaspoons of herb per cup of boiling water and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Eat three times a day and sweeten with honey before drinking, since it will not impress the taste of tea. Drink plenty of fluids, try doing exercise and give up foods that your digestion slows. Call without loss natural remedies for constipation these every time this occurs.

The best tea for kidney

The kidneys are complex organs and have an essential role in maintaining a healthy body, ready to face all attacks from outside. They cleanse the body of toxins, balance the electrolytes and is involved in stimulating red blood cell production. Therefore, it is very important to protect them, so it should, from time to time to drink tea for kidney even if you have problems with them. Here are the best herbs!

Dandelion tea eliminates toxins


 Trivial dandelion is stronger than you think, being among the best plants with depurative properties. Both leaves and stems and roots are effective in maintaining healthy kidneys. It helps to eliminate excess fluid in the tissues, detoxifies the body, aid digestion and treat skin problems. Although you will not delight the taste of tea, its effects will be as expected. Add a few slices of lemon and sweeten with honey for a relaxing moment divine.



Horsetail, an excellent tea for kidney


Horsetail is a plant very appreciated for its diuretic properties, but also because it contributes to the rapid elimination of toxins from the body. In addition, the calming effects, antimicrobial and healing, so it can be used in the remediation of several diseases. Follow a diet for six weeks, but this time not to exceed the plant has contraindications in the prospectus.


Corn silk tea soothes kidney crises


 Surprisingly or not, corn silk can turn into a tea for kidney highly effective. It can be used in case of urinary tract infections and kidney stones, it is recommended to consume 3-4 cups of tea a day. This herbal remedy can also be used in capsule form if you are not a fan of tea.

Tea cherry tails remove kidney stones


Flavor and rich in vitamin C, cherry tails tea is known for its beneficial properties in removing kidney stones. It may also be possible to prevent drinking and renal disease. Drink 2-3 cups of tea a day for effective results.

Rosehip tea, tea for kidney perfect ten


 Another is the kidney tea rosehip, and the good news is that it has a pleasant taste and smells nice, so it will not be an ordeal to drink it. Given that these fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals are highly beneficial to the body, proving to be useful in other diseases. They increase immunity, it detoxifies and combat kidney stones.

Plants with medicinal properties are true gems for the body, so you should give them more confidence in the future. If you feel discomfort in these organs, kidney consume tea. The effects will be felt immediately! Find out who are the best teas for the liver!