Saturday, 7 March 2015

Find out how you can permanently get rid of freckles with remedies that do not even think Natural remedies to get rid of freckles

Although freckles offers a beauty person "beneficiary", there are some people who would give anything to get rid of these tiny brown spots. Expensive and costly treatments have no place where freckles because there are many natural treatments that you can use to get rid of these annoying and sometimes spotted. Doctors have revealed to us, the best natural remedies to get rid of freckles small and annoying.

Dandelion, besides other benefits that we offer is a reliable aid when it comes to getting rid of freckles small and annoying not give us peace. Therefore, an infusion of dandelion flowers, over which add a little lemon juice will do wonders in fading freckles. With this solution, wipe your face for 15 minutes using multiple disks on which to change constantly to make sure that you always face clean and not spread the germs.

Another natural remedy against freckles that you will be able to successfully use is onion. Doctors recommend us to crush the onions to the mix liquid over which we add a tablespoon of wine. With this composition must delete your face for a few minutes. Freckles will become a memory in a short time because it is a powerful treatment against them.
Parsley also help eliminate freckles. All you have to do is to give a parsley in a blender to obtain a paste, add a little water, and this solution will have to delete your face, just as with other treatments.  

Another remedy is worth taking into account sour cow milk combined with oatmeal. According This is followed by a period tartament 30 days and guaranteed effects. If you do the thinking to buy a cream to get rid of freckles, doctors recommend us creams based on snail extract. These creams are the property due snail extract to restore the skin, both in terms of stains, and in the case of scars.

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