
                 Get rid of cough remedies

In winter, the cough is among the most common symptoms.

It portends a cold or an acute infection of the airways, coughing can cause problems if not treated on time. Doctors say they are not the most effective remedies that you can get without a prescription from the annoying symptoms.
Types of coughing:
The cough may be: wet (with sputum), dry (without expectoration) and mixed.

1. wet cough is a cough "breast" and appears as a reflex mechanism to expel irritative factors by abundant secretion of mucus. It is frequently found in inflammatory diseases (asthma, recurrent sinusitis, COPD, heart failure).
A dry cough is a cough "throat", irritating and without mucus, to be relieved and encouraged, not inhibited. It meets allergies, tuberculosis, heart disease or ENT, chronic iron deficiency.
Mixed cough occurs as a consequence of incomplete treatment, in various stages of healing.
2. Natural remedies for dry cough

A dry cough is primarily needed soothing and emollient remedies. It is recommended thyme extract syrup, black radish with honey syrup, grindelia, Eryngium planum tea ..
Local disinfectants are preferred on the basis of sage, chlorhexidine, methylene blue, between the administrations of the syrup to relieve irritation of the throat.
Calling the local inflammatory form of propolis spray for fungicidal and bactericidal action; with the same properties are hornbeam extract, honeysuckle and black currant.
It aims to reduce systemic inflammatory process using antiiflamatoarelor.
For inhibition of microbial growth are recommended cleaning agents and hypertonic saline congestion and, oily nasal drops (vitamins A, E, Oil SPF) and pelargonium extract orally.
3. Remedies for wet cough
To encourage mucus expectoration, cough expectorant wet needs, such as ambroxol, guaiafenezină and bromhexine.
Treatment may continue and Flow Aids such as acetylcysteine ​​(not asthma), Carbocisteine, primrose extract - cuckoo.
For calming, decongestant, mucolytic syrup is recommended ivy extract, mallow, marjoram, lime, and volatile oil pelargonium and plantain, pine, fir, liquorice.
NSAIDs are recommended and local and systemic.
Aspirate excess mucus nebulized for issuing the upper airway.When we go to the doctor.
Heads Up! We call our doctor when coughing presents some particularities:

- Is accompanied by fever and sweating at night;
- Difficulties in breathing, wheezing without effort and without yielding to treatment mentioned in more than 3 weeks
- The person falls into age groups exposed children, the elderly, pregnant women;
- Cough is blood;
- Stained sputum (yellow, green, gray, etc.);
- There are weight loss;
- The person is a smoker coughs;
- Cough occurs during a treatment for chronic disease (asthma, GERD, chronic allergies, hypertension, migraine, glaucoma).

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