Tuesday 3 March 2015

Bitter melon a vegetable that destroys cancer and fight against diabetes

Vegetables that destroy cancer

Leguma care distruge cancerul  

Among the many foods that fight against the most feared disease of the century include those rich in resveratrol or seanol. These natural chemicals have the ability to destroy cancer cells unique metabolism without harming healthy tissue. The richest sources of resveratrol are green tea, grapefruit, grapes and blueberries.

In this list, the researchers added a vegetable recent Asian origins, very popular in Japan, known as bitter melon. This would be the secret of long life of the inhabitants of Okinawa, vegetable nelipsiind in their kitchens. When diluted with up to 5% water, bitter melon juice proves to be extremely powerful in fighting pancreatic cancer cell lines, reducing cell viability up to 98%, in the space of 3 days of treatment.

The explanation is simple. Cancer cells feed on glucose. Bitter melon has the ability to destroy the metabolism, infometand harmful cells, which once left without sugar, begin to die. Unhealthy cells in the body are removed, normally through the process of apoptosis. In the presence of cancerous tissue, it is disrupted and ceases to function effectively. Bitter melon has the ability to restart the process necessary for survival of the human body.

Efficacy was demonstrated vegetable miracle through a study conducted at the University of Colorado. In the experiment, tests were conducted on laboratory mice. If rodents who ate bitter melon, there was a reduction in pancreatic tumor size by up to 64% - a success rate higher than that of many chemotherapy treatments. Bitter melon has proven to be very effective in combating diabetes. Research scientists revealed that this vegetable improves metabolic syndrome through its effects on glucose metabolism.

Not being a very demanding plant, bitter melon can grow both in greenhouses and in the balconies of apartment, needing light and heat. Seeds are available from Romanian trade. Pharmaceutical companies are already thinking to invent a new drug to achieve spectacular results bitter melon.

If you miss the joints of the changing weather here is what you must do

How many times have you heard the saying that knowledge know that the weather cools experiencing joint pain? Or maybe you're dealing with such problems. This dull pain can be extremely unpleasant, so it's good to know how to avoid or get rid of it. Here's what to do:
Dress properly

If you know this occurs, try doing overlays clothes, wearing gloves, tights or tights, so to keep the cold away. To go without gloves is not an option.
Has your exercise routine

Inidiferent age that you have, you have to design an exercise routine, keep in mind that even in cold weather. When the temperature drops in thermometers, try doing a series of exercises at home. Can you purchase an elliptical trainer or even longer walks you through shops, Hipermarket sites or shopping malls.


Enjoy the warm water

Even if it's winter, you can opt for several sessions in a swimming pool with heated water. Who says you have to practice this sport only in summer? More and more sports complexes ask you to provide indoor pools, so if you like swimming, you do not just have to do your subscription and shoot two birds with one stone. Thus, you will relax and you will escape and rheumatic pains. Watch out not only in the cold immediately after you finish swimming session.
Get ready to quit spoiled

Call whenever you can to massage sessions. Besides unwinds you and give you a good general condition, will help treat the problem of painful joints.

Try acupuncture!

Although it may seem a scary procedure, acupuncture is not painful. In addition, therapy is practiced for over 5000 years and, over time, proved that it can remove the pain of any kind.
Glucosamine - stimulates the chondrocytes (cartilage cells) matrix to produce healthy (collagen and proteoglycans). It is good to know that the production of glucosamine in the body decreases as it gets older; Chondroitin sulphate - improving the mechanical properties and elastic joints; Selenium - reduces inflammation and slows down the process of degeneration. Selenium acts synergistically with vitamin E and stops the aging process articular maintaining their elasticity; Ginger is an herbal remedy used for thousands of years in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatic, anti-inflammatory and painkiller.