Tuesday, 3 March 2015

If you miss the joints of the changing weather here is what you must do

How many times have you heard the saying that knowledge know that the weather cools experiencing joint pain? Or maybe you're dealing with such problems. This dull pain can be extremely unpleasant, so it's good to know how to avoid or get rid of it. Here's what to do:
Dress properly

If you know this occurs, try doing overlays clothes, wearing gloves, tights or tights, so to keep the cold away. To go without gloves is not an option.
Has your exercise routine

Inidiferent age that you have, you have to design an exercise routine, keep in mind that even in cold weather. When the temperature drops in thermometers, try doing a series of exercises at home. Can you purchase an elliptical trainer or even longer walks you through shops, Hipermarket sites or shopping malls.


Enjoy the warm water

Even if it's winter, you can opt for several sessions in a swimming pool with heated water. Who says you have to practice this sport only in summer? More and more sports complexes ask you to provide indoor pools, so if you like swimming, you do not just have to do your subscription and shoot two birds with one stone. Thus, you will relax and you will escape and rheumatic pains. Watch out not only in the cold immediately after you finish swimming session.
Get ready to quit spoiled

Call whenever you can to massage sessions. Besides unwinds you and give you a good general condition, will help treat the problem of painful joints.

Try acupuncture!

Although it may seem a scary procedure, acupuncture is not painful. In addition, therapy is practiced for over 5000 years and, over time, proved that it can remove the pain of any kind.
Glucosamine - stimulates the chondrocytes (cartilage cells) matrix to produce healthy (collagen and proteoglycans). It is good to know that the production of glucosamine in the body decreases as it gets older; Chondroitin sulphate - improving the mechanical properties and elastic joints; Selenium - reduces inflammation and slows down the process of degeneration. Selenium acts synergistically with vitamin E and stops the aging process articular maintaining their elasticity; Ginger is an herbal remedy used for thousands of years in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatic, anti-inflammatory and painkiller.

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Diet 'eggs and wine "Lose weight with minimal effort

This diet is a diet only to be kept very short term. Diet 'eggs and wine "was designed to keep you away from meat and dairy products in the long term, but also to wean yourself of bad habits that you have in your diet. As in the case of animal protein, eggs are not healthy if you eat in excess.
Diet 'eggs and wine "is designed really for wine lovers who refuse to give up wine while trying to lose weight. Eggs are the easiest way to maintain a low energy intake while you get a high protein intake.
In total, it followed the diet for 2 weeks' eggs and wine ". This is a low calorie, but is rich in protein, which has been shown to work, and most of today's diets using this formula.
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In diet 'eggs and wine "have everything from protein foods, foods low in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins, water, healthy snacks. And those who have created this unique diet say it is absolutely possible to lose weight with wine.
The idea is to lose weight with a minimum of effort. Even if you're stressed, busy or just have a day when you feel lazy, you can solve everything with a single trip to the supermarket to buy you everything you need. It's easy to do that, unless you drink a wine extremely expensive. And preparing for diet 'eggs and wine "requires a minimum of effort. During the day, enjoy coffee and plenty of water to avoid unhealthy snacks that can affect your silhouette.
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Is it possible to lose weight and consume wine in limited quantities, because wine is a carbohydrate and alcohol is a sugar. Diet creators' eggs and wine "recommend because resveratrol red wine, an antioxidant that fights free radicals that make you sleepy at night. The wine has only 600 calories per bottle.
The first two days are the hardest because you have to adjust your pace in fewer calories and start using stored body fat as fuel for your body.
Start keep diet 'eggs and wine "on a Sunday morning. Buy everything you need on Saturday, so be it ready when you wake up.
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Days 1-6
The first week of the diet is always the hardest, especially the first 2 days, so you have to accept that this diet is difficult. Meals are the same for 6 days in a row and preparations gives you everything you need to survive, while your body burns fat.
Preparation every morning (or evening before)
Boil 10 eggs hard and clean (10 minutes). Eat three fast. 3 Put the lunch box (or, as the Americans say, "lunch box") and put them in the refrigerator 4 eggs.
Lunch Box contains: 3 hard-boiled eggs, 1 carrot 1 Tues, Feb. small bags with raisins and multivitamins and magnesium citrate tablets. Take 3 bottles of water in the workplace.
Morning 7.00-9.00 (210 calories)
Eat 3 eggs with black pepper
Drink black coffee / tea
Drink 1/2 liter of water.
At midmorning 10.00-11.00 (73 calories)
Eat 1 carrot and 1 multivitamin and 1 tablet of magnesium citrate.
Eat raisins as a mini-snack - 14 grams
Drink 1/2 liters of water
Drink black coffee / tea
12.00-14.00 Lunch (210 calories)
Eat 3 eggs with black pepper
Drink black coffee / tea
Drink 1/2 liters of water
Afternoon 15.00-17.00 (113 calories)
Eat March 1 and take one multivitamin tablet of magnesium citrate.
Eat raisins as a mini-meal (14 grams)
Drink black coffee / tea
Drink 1/2 liters of water
18.00-21.00 Dinner (580 calories)
Eat 4 eggs with black pepper
Drink 1/2 bottle of wine (red is recommended)
Drink 1/2 liters of water
Drink black coffee / tea
Total: 1186 calories per day.
7th Day is the day snacks
Diet creators' eggs and wine "say that the seventh day is the day snack. The reason the diet one day start Sunday is the day can be dedicated Saturday evening snack. The idea is to have a day when you give a reward to you, but you still have to be balanced and not do excess supply. It's good at least you stay below the average calorie consumption. If you have 90 pounds, then you should not surpass 3,000 calories in this day of "pampering".
Do not be surprised if you drink lots of water and eat salty foods that will make you start the next day with 1 or 2 pounds, especially if you drink more alcohol. Do not worry, it's just fluid retention.
If you get more weight in the morning after the 7th day, you should do some cardio exercises 8th day after breakfast or lunch, when you consume some carbohydrates, and your blood sugar is higher .
Remember: in general, does not take snacks and two days in a row excesses in the future. A culinary pampering day is fine, but if you are two days already become a habit that affects your silhouette.
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Days 8-13
The first week was tough. But notice that after a few days you do not eat too much, you'll have more energy. After the first week of a melted fat, and now is the time to add more diet 'eggs and wine "some elements.
Rice is a carbohydrate, but protein and pineapple works well for your body. But remember that still consume fewer calories than before, and this is the main reason for losing weight.
Many bodybuilders use the same diet with chicken / rice / pineapple, so if you want to exercise, this is the week where you start, but do not overdo it because vigorous physical activity will make you want to eat more.
Preparation every morning (or evening before)
Boil 8 eggs hard and clean (10 minutes). Meanwhile, boil 2 bags of 125 grams of rice (10 minutes). Put 2 eggs and rice in box lunch and 4 eggs in the fridge for dinner. Take pineapple, peel and cut into 6 pieces. Eat 1 piece 1 piece morning and lunch (1 pineapple should you get for 3 days).
Box lunch includes: 2 eggs, rice, sliced ​​pineapple, 1 carrot 1 Tues, Feb. bags of raisins, 2 Multivitamin, 2 tablets of magnesium citrate. Take 3 bottles of water in the workplace.
Morning 7.00-9.00 (405 calories)
Eat 2 eggs and cooked rice, sprinkled with black pepper
Eat pineapple slices
Drink black coffee / tea
Drink 1/2 liters of water
At midmorning 10.00-11.00 (73 calories)
Eat one carrot and take one multivitamin and magnesium citrate tablet
Eat raisins as a mini-snack - 14 grams
Drink black coffee / tea
Drink 1/2 liters of water
12.00-14.00 Lunch (405 calories)
Eat 2 eggs and cooked rice, sprinkled with black pepper
Eat pineapple slices
Drink black coffee / tea
Drink 1/2 liters of water
Afternoon 15.00-17.00 (113 calories)
Eat March 1 and take one multivitamin and 1 tablet of magnesium citrate
Eat raisins as a mini-snack - 14 grams
Drink black coffee / tea
Drink 1/2 liters of water
18.00-21.00 Dinner (580 calories)
Eat black pepper 4 eggs
Drink 1/2 bottle of wine (red recommended)
Drink 1/2 liters of water
Drink black coffee / tea
Total: 1576 calories per day.
14th Day
It's time to look at new weight that indicates your scales. If you followed the diet by 90% or more, you will notice that you get rid of fat fast, say the creators of this diet. Now we need to find new level of calories you can consume without you gain weight again.
Try and count calories normal in a few days, if you back to old habits harmful and eat bad food in terms of nutrition. In any case, now you have to eat less because your eating habits have changed and you are a person with a lighter weight.