Monday, 23 February 2015

Magnet therapy is increasingly used to treat health problems

Magnet therapy has been used since ancient times. Magnetic waves have been used to treat certain diseases and ailments or simply, in ages past, people wore them because they believed that they ward off evil spirits. Even the beautiful Cleopatra used to wear a neck pendant magnet because it believes that it has the power to maintain youth and beauty.

Nowadays magnet therapy is used more often and it pretty much treats disorders which include: rheumatism, back pain and headaches, bone problems and inflamed joints or fractures, insomnia, stress, fatigue as well other conditions such as high blood pressure, Parkinson's disease and sinusitis. All this can help heal and treat magnetoterapiei.

What benefit has bee venom unknown?

After studies by scientists and researchers have concluded that bee venom is nothing more than a very complex substance with a high content of enzymes, proteins and amino acids. Moreover they actually found that bee venom is a colorless, odorless and sweet taste.

Thus, with so many beneficial propietatii bee venom is used successfully in treating various diseases and conditions, however, before any treatment involving bee venom, doctors do a test first patient sensitivity. This test involves injecting a small amount of bee venom and following immediate effects to see how the patient's body reacts to bee venom.